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Updated: 2024-04-07

Sawadee kha, Sawadee khrap

Monday, December 4, 2023

Home - Journeys - Thailand 2023, November, December - Monday, December 4, 2023

Family picture.

Family picture.

Family picture.

Family picture.



In the evening at the beach.

In the evening at the beach.

In the evening at the beach.

In the evening at the beach.

In the evening at the beach.

In the evening at the beach.

We only had moderate sleep at Hadsaithong Resort in Haad Chao Lao, it is mainly due to the hard mattress.
Fortunately, the breakfast is reasonable, especially the rice soup is tasty.
After breakfast we drink coffee at Café Amazon, about a hundred meters walk.

The plans for today are not that extensive, a visit to the Khung Kraben Bay Aquarium and the Khung Kraben Bay Mangrove Forest Education Center. Everyone comes along.
The aquarium is closed, it appears to always be closed on Mondays. So we quickly got tired of that because the beach at the aquarium is nothing special either, it is mainly a concrete wall.
The Khung Kraben Bay Mangrove Forest Education Center is open, unfortunately the parking lot is closed so we have to park along the road. There is a parking ban there, but there are many more cars so we park there too. It's noticeable that Gunn is starting to have difficulty breathing.
We will walk on the approximately 1.5 km long elevated wooden path that runs largely through the mangrove forests, and also along the water of the bay. Unfortunately it is high tide so we cannot see many animals. The path is well maintained, and there are signs everywhere with explanations.
Halfway there is the option to rent a canoe and sail along and through the mangrove forest. Everyone but two does.
And a little further on there is a lookout tower, but not everyone goes there. Gunn does and he goes upstairs wheezing, it sounds worrying.
Back at the start of the trail, Gunn appears to be sicker than expected. He goes straight back to the hotel with mother Moue.
The rest goes looking for a restaurant, icy, or something, that should be somewhere. After searching and driving back and forth, it turns out to be iSEA GLAMPING Seafood Cafe Bar & Resort. We order lunch there and it tastes very good; we are also considering having dinner there in the evening.
Not much happens for the rest of the afternoon due to Gunn's illness, so the family just sits around playing cards.
In the evening we eat in the restaurant of the resort, it is quiet now and this is also reflected in the quality of the food.
It is still fun and we also enjoy the beautiful sunset.

Written on: 2023-12-07


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This is not a travel guide, nor is it advice to visit a place or not. There are other sites for that.
Our opinion about places where we have eaten, drunk or slept is not intended as a (positive or negative) assessment, there are other sites for that.
It is our view of the situation at a certain moment and that view is influenced by our mood, the weather and many other factors.